1. Fairy Tail
This is probably my all time fave. It's amazing. A combination of a great story line and character driven too. It's about wizards but not the Hogwarts type, no, very different. My favourite character is Happy, a little magical talking blue cat who can fly. I have a happy plushie too :D the joys.
2. Full Metal Alchemist Brotherhood
I finished watching this a few months ago and it is a lot darker than fairy tail but still has the core character relationships of it. Would definitely recommend if you like darker sci-fi types.
3. Summer Wars
Summer Wars is an anime movie I just watched and I really liked it. It wasn't too predictable. It had a similar story line to digimon but a more sophisticated approach.
Those are all I'm going to talk about today. I'm craving a cup of tea and a movie.
-Lexi xo
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