Lexi's travels - Leucate, France

For the last two weeks of Summer, I was in Leucate which is a small village in the South of France. I spent lots of time with my wonderful friend Edie who lives in France. It was a family holiday spent mostly on the beach so this post is going to be a collection of the odd photos from my trip.

We stayed in a very small rustic villa but it was very pretty.

We went to some beautiful restaurants like this Spanish one.

I held the moon in my hands..

On one really windy day when we couldn't face being sand blasted on the beach, we drove to another nearby village called Perpignon. It was full of cute little streets and graffiti.

I had the most amazing ice cream too. In France they have a very popular coffee ice cream with sugary coffee beans in it. It's delicious!

With no wifi, Edie and I had to find other ways to entertain ourselves. We found a set of jenga blocks and we came up with some pretty cool things like a sky line, a palace outline, a man, some buildings and dominoes too.

I ate some wonderful seafood like these razor clams.


In a little village tapestry store I found this little doll dress with shorts and thought it was the cutest thing! I had to buy it.

Now Lexingtons, it has come to the time where you should meet Ted the bear. As you know, I love to travel and ever since I was little I have taken Ted with me as my travelling partner and I take photos of her in all the different places we go! I never thought to share them on my blog but I  thought Ted could have her own occasional segment in travel posts; she is quite a character. So here is the very first Ted travels!

What do you think? I had a great time in Leucate and got some lovely photos. Ted had a good time too.

Much love

-Lexi xo

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