I'm a feminist

Three words which I have not previously uttered on my blog, even so three words which are very important. I'm a feminist. Before you freak out and accuse me of being a man-hating lesbian, hear me out. I have never dedicated a post to feminism and this isn't because I don't see it as important, it's because I never previously saw it as necessary. For me, the main objective of feminism is to achieve equal rights between men and women. Therefore I never really saw why you wouldn't be a feminist. But I have recently asked many people I know (particularly at my school) and a surprising amount have told me that they would not consider themselves feminists. This was a huge shock to me. I think a huge portion assume the stereotypes are true. In fact one of the first people I asked whether they were a feminist said no, and when I told them I was they immediately accused me of being a lesbian who hated men. At first I couldn't tell if this was an immature 14 year old boy trying to get attention or a genuine assumption. Either way, I didn't like it.

You may have recently seen Emma Watson's incredible speech at the UN about the HeForShe campaign to promote equal rights. If you haven't, watch it. It basically sums up everything I want to express on this topic. I covered the story and wrote an article about it for CultNoise magazine which you can check out HERE. I also go into a but more depth about my school 'survey' so make sure you give it a read.


Whether you're a man or a woman, you can take action. Check out HeForShe HERE.

-Lexi xo


  1. Emma Watsons speech was so inspiring! Like you said, the whole idea that feminists hate men is so awful! I sit next to a girl in media and she literally said to me that she 'likes to take the mick out of feminism because it's so stupid.' I don't even know why you would think about doing that. I did this speech thing on equal pay in the workplace last year at school and even when I had evidence that women were payed less then men, everyone was talking about how unfair it was for men, which I found really odd! xx

    1. Wow that's so weird. It really irritates me when people form a negative opinion on it without properly knowing what it is. Your speech sounds great, that's so odd! xo

  2. This is such a powerful and inspiring post Lexi!

    I've nominated you for The Sisterhood Of The World Bloggers Award if you'd like to take part! All you have to do is answer the questions on my blog in your own post, simples :)

    Please do let me know if you decide to do it because I'd love to read your answers :)

    Hope to be reading it soon!


    Becca x

    1. Thank you! Oh cool, will check it out thanks! xo

  3. I so agree with you on this - don't understand how anyone could be so dismissive to an issue so relevant to us all, or how people are so content with their ignorance towards it! emma watson is a baaabe and it makes me happy to see her using her fame so wisely, and speaking so articulately about feminism - I struggle to see how anyone would find faults in her arguments! looove this post xxxx

    1. Exactly! It's so relevant to us all and yes she is such a babe <3 Thanks lovely
