I'm in a daze of textbooks, colourful pens and Dexter episodes. My recent outfits have consisted of a diverse range of pyjamas and gym clothes. My first exam is about two weeks away and I've yet to have any major breakdowns, which I'd consider a major victory. In case it's not evident by my lacking internet presence, I'm currently studying for my GCSEs. It's a little mundane, but it'll be over in just over two months, so I'm not too worried. 

I've lacked the time to create much, but I did play around last night with some self portraits, which I thought I'd share.

This Easter has been less exciting than usual, so I'm focusing on being healthy and happy in this stressful period. One thing I've noticed is how comfortable I've become with myself. It happens every time I have a holiday and it's lovely. I haven't worn makeup, or been caring about my appearance all too much, so I've become really happy with my raw self. I think I've captured that in these photos - no makeup, messy hair, a baggy t-shirt, and a teddy bear. That's as raw as you can get it really. 

Don't fear, as soon as these exams are out of the way, I've got some killer content ideas.



  1. Ah these shots are stunning Lexi!!

  2. These shots are gorgeous! Cannot wait to see your posts after your exams! x

  3. These shots are gorgeous! Cannot wait to see your posts after your exams! x

  4. The photos are so nice! love this
