it's good to be back

If you're an active follower of my blog or any of my social media, you may have noticed I've been a bit quiet lately. 

Normally when a blog post starts with that statement, it's followed by an explanation of some misfortune. However in my case, it's quite the opposite. Yes, I've been extremely busy, but I've also been having a great time. I have a lot going on. I'm now in sixth-form doing my A-levels, looking at universities, balancing many extra-curriculars, trying to maintain a healthy lifestyle and social life. It's stressful at times, but I also am very content and happy with where I am. 

This internet hiatus has been completely unintentional, a simple consequence of a frantic period. But it has been nice to take some time to regroup. Growing up online means that as you evolve as a person, the content you create does too. I think it's important to take a few weeks here and there to, as cliche as it may sound, 'find yourself' again, and return feeling inspired. It's good to challenge what and how much you share. Although this happened to me by accident, I now feel motivated and I'm really looking forward to making great things again.

I'm on my Easter holiday now, so much of it will be spent revising for upcoming exams, but I'm also going to New York (!!!) and will have time to create once more. If you want to hear more about what's going on with me, check out my youtube channel - something I'm also excited about getting back into. I'll be posting an update video very soon.

It's good to be back.


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