Gurls Talk x Coach Festival

Gurls Talk is an organisation founded by model and activist Adwoah Aboah, which promotes open conversation among young women. She hosted a one day festival in London on Saturday in collaboration with Coach. There was a Law Magazine photo booth with photographers taking portraits of everyone, an embroidery station, panels on sexuality and mental health, and much more.

Watch my video coverage above or click HERE.

Shot by Leonn Ward

It felt really special to be in the company of like minded young women, talking about creativity and feminism in an open and welcoming environment.

A major highlight for me was watching Stylelikeu's open call. I have been obsessed with Stylelikeu for years now, and it was such a dream to watch them shoot their 'What's Underneath' series. They invite people to talk about their self-acceptance journeys while removing their clothing, thus proving that style is 'what's underneath'. Each video they produce is utterly inspiring and it was even more powerful seeing women tell their stories in person. I also got to meet the lovely women behind it, Elisa and Lily, which was really cool.

It was a fun and inspiring day, and I can't wait to see what Gurls Talk and Adwoah do next.


1 comment

  1. loved reading this post!!

    Tasha x
