Defining Your Digital Identity

We live in the digital age. The age where people have a unique ability to brand themselves and control their image in a way we've never had before. Something as trivial as the instagram bio can define what you want to be in this world, and even help you get there. This is particularly revolutionary for women in the spotlight. Recently, Kim Kardashian posted her nude selfie, which caused a sea headlines and responses immediately, some supportive, others harshly critical. Rowan Blanchard commented on this on her twitter, and said it best:

I think we should be grateful, particularly as women, that we have some power to control our image, and are given a platform to have a voice. 

As my exams come to an end, I'm thinking about the direction I want to take my blog, my career and all that goes with it. I have many interests and passions, many of which I've rejected from sharing on my blog on the basis that conventional wisdom suggests it is better to focus on one or two key things. This has also coincided with a recent, rather cliché, existential crisis of what I want to do with my career, even though I still have a few years of education to go. Yes, I'm thinking about it, and there are so many different paths and directions I could take that I'm wondering what choices I can make now and what impact they will have. 

Living in this age, I have a platform to share my interests, engage with others and develop my digital identity. But what do I do if I haven't really figured out my self yet, let alone my brand?

I define this blog as 'Fashion and Culture'. I've written on feminist issues, on travel, on fashion shows, even occasionally political issues, and I'm actually thinking about a piece on the EU referendum. The umbrella of 'fashion and culture' may not cover all I write about, but I see no need to be too proscriptive. 

Outside of my blog, I'm on instagram. I love it, and it's a fantastic platform. But how influential and defining is an instagram bio? Given the nature of instagram and the way people engage with it, I think that the bio is enormously important if you're trying to build a following. But how do I define myself in the context of instagram? I am a student. I am interested in fashion, culture and feminism and increasingly interested in social and political issues. I love to write. I love to photograph. I love to draw. I'm starting to make films. Like most I have strong views on music, and play it myself. Travel, food, exercise, health. These are just some of the things I'm interested in and might post a photo of. So how do I sum that up in a compelling but short bio? Do I need to?

I'd love to hear your thoughts on this in the comments. Are we blessed for having such an issue in the sense that we have some control of our image and our public identity?  Or does it constrain us, does it put us in a box? Let me know your thoughts.



  1. I think it's so easy to get caught up in all this. So many people talk non stop about personal branding etc etc but I think it comes naturally. To keep an open mind, chill, and just focus on the things you enjoy and that's the best way to build it.

    1. Yeah I agree. I think it's really easy to overthink it!
