Play Date In Paris

In an attempt to escape the depressing cloud of revision for our mocks in January, Lily and I escaped to Paris last week for a few days of freedom. We had a magical day in Disneyland (that post is on its way) and another day exploring the Louvre and the city in general. These are a few pieces from our play date in Paris.

Watch the vlog above, or click HERE. The city escape was a wonderful release, and the Louvre was so beautiful. Unfortunately, the majority of my holiday has been spent revising (or more like procrastinating revising). I'm currently enjoying my Christmas Eve by watching Friends specials and eating gingerbread. Hope you're all having a wonderful Christmas, or holiday if you don't celebrate it! Thank you for your comments and support this year, I really appreciate it all! 

Much love



  1. i really want to visit paris, such a pretty city! x
